DOI: 10.18413/2658-6533-2020-7-1-0-7

Development of gerontology and geriatrics in Mongolia

Background: The population of Mongolia in 2020 is estimated at 3,305,625 thousand people, thus it has increased by 25.3% since 2000, by about 5.6% per year. The number of older people in Mongolia in 2015 was 244162, and that number will grow up to 535761 in 2030. The history of development and establishment of the National Gerontology Center (NGC) of Mongolia has taken a long road since 1966. Nowadays, there is one NGC in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, which provides scientific and practical guidance for conducting preventive examinations and treatment of the elderly. On June 2020, a new Gerontology Center opened in Darkhan city of Mongolia. The aim of the study: Tointroducethe statistical data of the elderly people and history of development of NGC in Mongolia. Materials and methods: Statistical data was mostly introduced from the renewed population projection for 2015-2045 designed by the National Statistical Office of Mongolia. The history of the NGC of Mongolia was collected from the newspapers and journals of the library, the archive of the Gerontology Center and electronic database from the web of the Ministry of Health. Results: Performance results of the NGC: within the period from 2005 to 2015, 61,262 people received outpatient examinations, 25,453 received preventive examinations, 3,500 received follow-up and home care, and 515,534 people received geriatric diagnostics and treatment. By 2019, the Center received the national independent status for providing comprehensive care for the elderly in accordance with the current developments in the field of gerontology, providing qualified medical services and methodological guidance for healthcare institutions and specialized training of medical personnel. Conclusion: The modern NGC is now striving to develop an integral healthcare system for the elderly that effectively integrates healthcare for the elderly with long-term follow-up, home care and palliative care.

Ключевые слова: elderly, history, establishment, development, healthcare.
Количество просмотров: 1233 (смотреть статистику)
Количество скачиваний: 4251
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