DOI: 10.18413/2313-8955-2017-3-4-3-10


The aim of the research was to study the frequency of visits of patients with exacerbations of chronic gastritis (CG), peptic ulcer (PU) of the stomach and duodenum, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in different age groups, depending on sex, Helicobacter pylori detectability, and concomitant pathology in outpatients. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 2023 case histories from September 2016 to September 2017 of patients aged from 18 to 74 years, who underwent outpatient treatment in the polyclinic of Belgorod, was conducted. Results of the study and conclusion. In the study, patients with СG comprised the biggest group – 73.9%, patients with GERD comprised a smaller group – 16%, and patients with PU – 10.1%. An increase in the frequency of treatment of patients with exacerbations of CG is observed from the age of 50 and older, in females this pathology is 28.2% higher than in males. The number of women with GERD is 17.4% higher than the number of men. The debut of the pathology in males is registered from the age of 30-35, in women – at the age of 40-45 years. The peak incidence falls on the age of 55-65 years. PU is significantly more common in males. The highest frequency of morbidity in women is observed at the age of 36-40 years, in men – at the age of 30-35. Among the concomitant diseases the most frequently observed were: arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease, dyscirculatory encephalopathy. It was revealed that in one and the same patient there were several nosological forms. As a result of the study, it was found that the diagnostics of H. pylori-associated diseases in a large number of patients was not carried out, as a result of this, the possibility of choosing an erroneous treatment tactic can be observed. To exclude this problem, it is necessary to conduct training and targeted advanced training of physicians in relation to gastroenterological diseases.

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