Fetoplacental insufficiency (FPI) is one of the most common complications of pregnancy. From 50-80% of pregnant women it becomes a main cause of miscarriage, more than 30% of it is caused by preeclampsia, in 25-45% of cases develop in the presence of extragenital pathology, the result of a viral or bacterial infection is more than 60% of cases. Fetoplacental insufficiency or placental insufficiency (PI) is characterized by morphological and functional changes in the placenta, the progression of which can lead to hypoxia, growth retardation and even fetal death. The placenta is a vital organ, it becomes a "facilitator" in the creation of a functional system "mother-placenta-fetus", and performs a number of vital functions for the fetus: respiratory – deliver O2, removal of CO2; the nutrition of the fetus and excretion of metabolic products; protective – a barrier and a filter, protecting the fetus from adverse effects of harmful factors, trapped in the mother's body including drugs, toxic substances, microorganisms; hormone – produces hormones and hormone-like substances to ensure optimal development of the fetus. In MON all of these features are violated, and threatened with further normal pregnancy and fetal development. Time and mechanism of formation are distinguished: primary, which are caused by disorders of the processes of placentation and implantation; secondary, which is characterized by the development under the influence of external factors acting on the fetus and/or mother, already formed in the placenta. The clinical course distinguish FPN: – acute – occurs most often on the background of low or detachment of normally situated placenta and visualized primarily during childbirth, but does not exclude its appearance at any term of gestation; – chronic – occurs in different periods of pregnancy, which in turn is divided into: offset form – in which violated the metabolic processes in the placenta, but the blood circulation in the system "mother-placenta-fetus" is not broken. Due to the compensatory possibilities of the maternal body, the fetus to these changes adapts and feels no discomfort; subcompencirovanna form – if the causes of PN were not corrected, the compensatory mechanisms of the body are under stress and gradually begin to dwindle, reaching the next stage; decompensated form PN – strengthening of the pathological process contributes to hemodynamic changes in the structure of the "mother-placenta-fetus" at the level of the fetal-placental and/or uteroplacental circulation.
Belousova OV, Pekhova KA, Belousova EV, et al. The definition of health and social status of women with fetoplacental insufficiency. Research Result. Medicine and Pharmacy. 2017;3(4):21-29 (In Russian). DOI:10.18413/2313-8955-2017-3-4-21-29
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