DOI: 10.18413/2313-8955-2018-4-2-0-10


Background. Existing methods for obtaining phytocomplexes and evaluating the quality of their dosage forms do not always enable to evaluate the actual composition and its potential. The article presents some new approaches to the technology of obtaining and standardizing liquid extracts of ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba L.) and sicklepod (Astragalus falcatus). The aim of the study. To develop and evaluate methods for standardizing the received extracts. Materials and methods. The objects of the study are: grass astragalus falcatus, leaves of ginkgo biloba, and their liquid extracts. Methods of investigation: for the extract from the leaves of ginkgo biloba – spectrophotometry (SF-56), a bathochromic shift of the absorption band of flavonoids from 330-350 to 390-410 nm was recorded. Identification of flavonoids in the extract of liquid ginkgo biloba leaves was carried out by chromatography in a thin layer of sorbent on "Sorbfil" plates with a fluorescent indicator in a chloroform-methanol-water mixture. The quantitative content of the sum of flavonoids in the alcohol-water extract from astragalus serotypes was determined spectrophotometrically using a standard sample (Robinin, Kaempferol 3-O-robinoside-7-O-rhamnoside, Sigma). The readings were taken on a UNICO 2802S spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 352-356 nm. 70% ethanol was used as the reference solution. Results. It was found that the optimal extraction method from ginkgo biloba is the dynamic method. For ginkgo biloba, the repercolation method is optimal. The optimal method of extraction from astragalus serotoplodny is the method of bismatching. The quantitative content was determined in both cases by spectrophotometry. The liquid extract of ginkgo biloba leaves contains about 5.0% of the sum of flavonoids in terms of routine (differential spectrophotometry). In alcohol-water extracts from the herb of astragalus, the extracts are up to 30.0%, the content of flavonoids is no less than 4.5% in terms of robinin. Conclusion. The technological parameters of raw materials were studied, the optimal extraction conditions, the methods for quantifying the amount of flavonoids in extracts from the leaves of ginkgo biloba, and the astragalus serpoplodal herbs were validated.

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