DOI: 10.18413/2313-8955-2019-5-1-0-7

Signal molecules involved in the formation of new nerve endings in endometriosis (review)

Background: The mechanism of the development of pain syndrome in endometriosis is heterogeneous. The study has been established that in the recently formed endometriotic implants there are neoneurogenesis processes, which consist in the formation of small sensory fibers with increased sensory sensitivity. This results in an increased pain sensitivity of patients, which, together with inflammatory processes, can lead to the development of chronic pelvic pain. The aim of the study: To collect and structure information regarding molecular markers directly or indirectly involved in the NGF signaling cascade. Materials and methods: The review includes modern data of foreign and domestic articles on this topic found in Pubmed. Results: This review examines the molecular mechanisms of work in healthy patients and in the pathology of the nerve growth factor, the androgen receptor, ARID1A, and peripherin. These molecular markers are involved in the signal transmission through the molecular cascade, which indicates the formation of new neurons, followed by the development of pain syndrome in endometriosis. Conclusion: In the review, there are still insufficiently studied markers, whose study is of interest for studying this issue. The information obtained should promote a better understanding of neo-neuronal processes in endometriosis to improve the diagnosis of this disease and to treat chronic pelvic pain.

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