DOI: 10.18413/2658-6533-2019-5-2-0-8

Factors of social disadaptation of patients with schizophrenia and approaches to psychosocial therapy and rehabilitation (review)

Background: Schizophrenia tends to affect people at the age when they are most active socially and professionally. Therefore, the earliest possible start of treatment of a patient with newly diagnosed schizophrenia is important not only for his mental state, but also for successful social adaptation in the future. The aim of the study is the analysis of the literature devoted to the description of the factors of social disability of patients with schizophrenia and approaches to their psychosocial therapy and rehabilitation. Materials and methods: Modern literature data presented in the PubMed, Medical-Science, Elibrary, Web of Science, Scopus databases were studied on social maladjustment factors of schizophrenic patients and approaches to their psycho-social therapy and rehabilitation. Results: The most significant factors affecting the adaptation of patients with schizophrenia are the limitation of social connections, the loss of ability to live independently, the stigmatizing effect of the diagnosis, the interpersonal communication disorder, the decline in the quality of life of patients. The reason for the hospitalization of the majority of patients in a psychiatric hospital is social maladjustment and the inability to cope with life problems on their own. Critical attitude to the disease, high compliance, and support from the family and micro-social environment are among the main factors influencing the patient's social adaptation. Conclusion: The low level of labor and social adaptation is an urgent problem for most patients with schizophrenia. First of all, this problem is associated with difficulties in solving personal and interpersonal problems – the problems associated with functioning in society. Thus, complex treatment of patients with schizophrenia is impossible without appropriate psychotherapeutic and social rehabilitation measures. Early treatment, especially for patients with newly established schizophrenia, is one of the main determinants of the patient’s mental state and social adaptation in the future.

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