DOI: 10.18413/2658-6533-2020-6-1-0-10

Interrelation of interleukin profile and the blood oxidant system in elderly patients with late-stage age-related macular degeneration

Background: In the elderly, age-related macular degeneration has a high prevalence and often causes a decrease and complete loss of vision. However, immunological mechanisms of development of this pathology and their relationship with changes in the oxidant system in elderly patients remain insufficiently studied. The aim of the study: To analyze the relationship between interleukin profile and the serum oxidant system in elderly patients with late-stage age-related macular degeneration (AREDS-4). Materials and methods: Serum interleukin levels and the oxidant system parameters were studied in 57 patients aged 60-74 years with stage 4 age-related macular degeneration. The control group included 52 people of the same age without the above pathology. The content of interleukins was determined on the flow cytometer BD FACS Canto 2, and lipid peroxidation-on the spectrophotometer SF-16. Results: There was a significant increase in the analyzed serum interleukins and, to a greater extent, IL-1β, IL-8 in the group of patients with age-related macular degeneration in comparison with the age control. The content of anti-inflammatory interleukins and interferons-α, ɣ significantly decreased in patients with this disease, the level of lipid peroxidation products significantly increased. Inverse correlations were found between anti-inflammatory interleukins and indicators of the oxidant system. There are inverse correlations with changes in anti-inflammatory interleukins and indicators of free radical oxidation. Conclusion: As a result of the study, the features of the interleukin profile and the oxidative system of blood serum in elderly patients with advanced macular degeneration with advanced stage have been established that will enable to rationalize the diagnosis and pathogenetic therapy for age-related macular degeneration in the elderly.

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