DOI: 10.18413/2658-6533-2020-6-2-0-7

Modern possibilities of using the release-active drug Tenoten for Children in the clinical practice of autonomic disorders in children

Background: Among the pathological conditions found in children and adolescents, vegetative disorders occupy one of the leading places. The development of autonomic dysfunction is due to an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system. Treatment of autonomic dysfunction in children should be comprehensive. Recently, in the treatment of autonomic dysfunction in children and adolescents, drugs with combined action have been increasingly used. Such drugs include our Russian new generation drug, created by LLC "Materia Medica holding" – Tenoten for Children. The aim of the study: Evaluation of clinical efficacy of Tenoten for Children (LLC "Materia Medica Holding", Russia) in the treatment of autonomic dysfunctions in children. Materials and methods: Тhe study included 53 children with autonomic dysfunctions aged 5 to 15 years, observed in the Children’s City Outpatients Clinic № 1 in Belgorod. To assess the effectiveness and safety of treatment of vegetative disorders with а syndrome of dysautonomia all patients were randomly allocated into 2 groups: the main group of patients received Tenoten for Children; and the comparison group took various nootropic, sedative and vegetotropic preparations used traditionally for the treatment of various variants of autonomic disorders in age doses. The duration of treatment in both groups was 1 month. All patients were additionally prescribed physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy. The groups of patients did not differ in the main demographic and clinical indicators. The examination included an analysis of the history of the antecedent anamnesis, life history, clinical examination, evaluation of the autonomic nervous system and the functional state of the cardiovascular system. The effectiveness of therapy with Tenoten for Children was evaluated by the results of clinical observations. The results of our study were processed using the SPSS Statistica 6.0 computer software package. Results: The article presents the features of autonomic disorders among children with autonomic disorders and the results of the analysis of the comparative effectiveness of various therapeutic approaches to the correction of the autonomic status in children. Attention is drawn to the efficacy of modern drug Tenoten for Children based on release-active antibodies to S-100 brain-specific protein. Conclusion: The clinical efficacy of this drug in the complex of therapeutic measures in children with autonomic disorders has been reliably proved. No side effects and other adverse reactions in children during the use of Tenoten for Children allows to recommend this drug for the treatment of autonomic disorders in children pediatric practice from 3 years of age.

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