DOI: 10.18413/2658-6533-2021-7-4-0-6

Restructuring of erythrocytes in persons of mature and elderly age on the background of diabetes mellitus

Background: The high incidence of diabetes mellitus in modern conditions dictates the need to search for new, including microscopic, opportunities to identify pathological changes in the course of various physiological processes. The aim of the study: To study the peculiarities of changes in the properties and parameters of erythrocytes in various types of diabetes mellitus (types 1 and 2) in women of mature and elderly age. Materials and methods: Venous blood of 55 women aged 30 to 70 years, divided into study groups (women with type DM, women with type II DM, control without endocrinopathy) was examined using atomic force and scanning probe microscopy. Results: The authors found an increase in the percentage of pathological forms of erythrocytes in patients with diabetes mellitus. An increase in the number of macrocytic forms of erythrocytes was observed not only when compared with the control group (DM I - 12.20±2.14, DM II - 10.00±1.20, control - 4.40±0.15), but and when comparing two age groups of patients with type 2 DM (30-45 years old - 10.00±1.20, 60-70 years old - 13.20±1.90). The same tendency is typical for microcytes. Geriatric changes in the geometric parameters of erythrocytes in the group of patients with type 2 DM were characterized by an increase in the volume, as well as the maximum height of erythrocytes with increasing age of the patients. Conclusion: The use of atomic force microscopy in the study of the biophysical parameters of erythrocytes makes it possible to identify patients from high-risk groups by determining such changes as an increase in the number of macrocytes, microcytes and pathologically altered forms of erythrocytes, a decrease in the average volume and area of ​​erythrocytes.

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