The authors made a review of statistical data on the turnover of the psychoactive substance alcohol within the Russian Federation, Ukraine, United States, Moldova, Hungary, Czech Republic, and England. The authors studied the facts of negative consequences caused by the abuse of the psychoactive substance alcohol and dynamics of alcohol dependence to develop the measures of resistence to the spread of alcoholism among the population. It was revealed that the WHO records only the quantitative indicators of abuse of alcohol. However, it is necessary to consider the qualitative indicators as well (strong or light alcoholic beverages). The article demonstrates the presence of cause-and-effect links between the abuse of alcohol and a variety of mental and behavioral disorders, and other non-communicable health problems, injuries caused by road traffic accidents and the incidence of socially dangerous infectious diseases (tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS).
Shapovalov VV, Shapovalova VA, Shapovalov VV. (Jr.), et al. The problem of turnover of the psychoactive substance alcohol: abuse, consequences, countermeasures. Research Result. Medicine and Pharmacy Series. 2014;1(2):45-51 (In Russian). DOI: 10.18413 / 2313-8955-2014-1-2-45-51
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