The uniqueness of tooth enamel focal demineralization (primary caries) is that it is the only form of tooth decay, which can be treated conservatively without any surgical treatment and filling. Therefore, the integral task in dentistry is to study all the possibilities of diagnosis and to increase the effectiveness of conservative treatment [10]. To determine the dental health of children in Omsk we carried out a dental check-up of 1682 schoolchildren from 7 to 12 years of age. In addition to oral cavity sanation and oral hygiene instruction, there was administered "Sluna" calcium-phosphate gel developed at the OSMA Pediatric Dentistry Department. To diagnose the spot-stage caries the following techniques were implemented: vital staining and determination of the electrical conductivity of dental hard tissues [2,3,7]. Different centers of demineralization process activity were studied in the development and showed the need for a differentiated approach to the children treatment depending on caries activity degree.
Ekimov EV, Fedotova OK. Modern treatment methods of primary childhood dental caries. Research Result. Medicine and Pharmacy Series. 2015;1(1):64-67 (In Russian). DOI: 10.18413 / 2313-8955-2015-1-1-64-67
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