The main results of the author's research into cyberadaptation of physically disabled people are presented in the article. The concepts and approaches to social adaptation of disabled people existing within a phenomenological paradigm are used as a methodological basis of the research. Messages of people with disabilities in the social media are considered as a marker of social adaptation of this category of the population in the virtual space. The results of the cybermetric and discourse analysis of the messages of disabled people in the social media reflect the specific character of perception associated with adaptation by physically disabled people. The author describes the main adaptation strategies and a scheme of development of glossaries of these types for further cybermetric researches. A particular emphasis is given to the problem of methods of collecting empirical information in the sphere of sociology of disability and to justification of cybermetrics as a significant method of obtaining unprovoked information on the scale of Big Data. The main conclusions, problems and possible ways of their decision are given in the conclusion.
Dombrovskaya АYu. Cybermetrics of types of adaptation behaviour of physically disabled people in the field of sociology of disability. Research Result. Medicine and Pharmacy Series. 2015;1(2):21-29 (In Russian). DOI: 10.18413 / 2313-8955-2015-1-2-21-29
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