At present, the problem of prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases is challenging. It has both medical and social importance due to its high prevalence. Causing substantial harm to the health, they impair the quality of life of the population. According to the WHO, about 95% of the adult population and 80% of children have some or other signs of illness. The diseases of paradontium and the oral mucosa are multifactorial diseases caused, according to modern concepts, by the microbial aggression. In this regard, dental preparations should above all possess antibacterial activity. Besides, given a number of conditions, accompanying the disease, these preparations should also possess anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration, i.e., they must be combined drugs. Today, the range of drugs for the treatment of gingivitis is presented by various dosage forms, including gels. In this article, special attention is paid to the constituent parts of the dental gels – the bases. The authors analyze the use of different bases, which are part of the gels, registered in the Russian Federation.
Zalivska AV, Zhilyakova ET. The analysis of dental gels bases used in the treatment of gingivitis. Research Result. Medicine and Pharmacy Series. 2016;2(1):53-58 (In Russian). DOI: 10.18413/2313-8955-2016-2-1-53-58
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