Dentists have been looking for methods of caries treatment for a long time, although this disease is still the most spread in the world among both children and adults. The indicator of the intensity of dental caries in children living in Belgorod are quite high and the disease frequently starts straight after the teething and in most cases is localized in fissures. This process is promoted by the range of different factors. We consider the prophylaxis of early childhood caries with fissures hermitization to be the most effective method to prevent its spread. It’s necessary to solve the range of problems firstly (to determine the clear evidence, the time of making the prevention, to choose the most effective methods and materials for fissure sealing) to improve the results of this preventive measure. In the course of the research, we learned the results of fissure sealing in children, using the light-cured and chemically-cured materials, and made a comparison between them.
Gontarev SN, Gontareva IS, Chuev VP, et al. Analysis of comparative clinical effectiveness of fissure sealing with the use of light-cured and chemically cured materials. Research Result. Medicine and Pharmacy Series. 2016;2(2):22-26 (In Russian). DOI: 10.18413/2313-8955-2016-2-2-22-26
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