Early recognition of fertility after hernia repair surgery performed according to different methods is still a challenging task. The paper discusses the study of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (ММР-9) content in ejaculate after the hernia repair surgery. The clinical research study is based upon the results of inguinal hernia repair in 68 male patients at the age from 18 to 40. The elevated concentration of ММР-9 content in ejaculate is conclusively ascertained even at early cases of disease processes after the hernia repair surgery. High content of ММР-9 in the ejaculate of patients operated for the hernia repair shows that this enzyme takes part in the after surgery disease process. Along with that it is possible to say that not only the chemical composition but the implant surface morphology as well is an important characteristic that influences the body response to the synthetic material. The results of the study give reasons to consider the elevated content of ММР-9 in ejaculate the evidence of a long-continued inflammatory process. In the surgery performed with Desarda techniques with no synthetic implants introduced, the above said value is reduced many times. The detection of metalloproteinase (ММР-9) in ejaculate can be considered as a criterion for choice of hernia repair surgery for fertile men.
Magomedov MM, Magomedbekov RE. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 as a biomarker predicting male fertility. Research Result. Medicine and Pharmacy. 2016;2(4):19-23 (In Russian) DOI: 10.18413/2313-8955-2016-2-4-19-23
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