In recent years, a steadily increasing number of patients undergoing treatment with programmed hemodialysis has been registered worldwide. The tendency is connected with a constant growth in the number of cases of chronic kidney failure, including its terminal stage, alongside with a greater availability of the hemodialysis. It has been found out that the changes in the key parameters of calcium and phosphorus metabolism increase the risk of developing bone and heart-vascular pathology as well as secondary hyperparathyroidism for the dialysis patients. The article presents the results of the statistical evaluation of the calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the patients subjugated to the programmed hemodialysis.
Golovin AI, Efremova OA, Khodykina YuE. Peculiarities of calcium and phosphorus metabolism of the patients undergoing medical treatment with programmed hemodialysis. Research Result. Medicine and Pharmacy. 2016;2(4):24-29 (In Russian). DOI: 10.18413/2313-8955-2016-2-4-24-29
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