DOI: 10.18413/2313-8955-2017-3-1-15-23


The authors studied the neurosecretory hypothalamo-hypophyseal system and ductless glands in the latent period of experimental colon cancer caused by 1.2-dimethylhydrazin. For the first time, in an experimental bowel carcinogenesis, there was characterized an endocrine component of early cancer pathology, which is a complex of morphological changes in the neurosecretory hypothalamo-hypophyseal system and ductless glands. It was found that the morphological changes characteristic of endocrine constancy over different periods of the studied latent period, and are independent of the applied dose of carcinogen. Consequently, in the latent period of carcinogenesis of the bowel, a newly developed hormonal status maintains at a certain level. This complex of endocrine changes is a reflection of a new hormonal balance of the body, which is a necessary attribute of the formation of cancer. The study confirmed the morphogenetic mechanism of de novo for experimental bowel cancer when exposed to 1.2-dimethylhydrazin. Our studies show that the intestinal tumor morphological substrate of the disease in the latent period includes the identified complex structural changes in the endocrine and neuroendocrine system that is involved in the formation of tumor and its further progression. The revealed structural complex of endocrine changes expands and deepens our understanding of the morphological substrate of precancerous changes in the body during the formation of de novo colon cancer in the absence of local precancerous morphological changes in the intestinal mucosa. Our results can be the basis for the development of measures for the diagnosis of neoplastic disease long before the appearance of a malignant tumor in the intestines.

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