DOI: 10.18413/2313-8955-2016-2-2-44-49



Ocimum basilicum L. – an annual plant of the Labiatae family. It grows wild in South America, Iran, China, in the south of the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Far East. It is cultivated in Western Europe, Asia, Africa, America. Despite the widespread use in folk medicine, the plant is most popular in the culinary and food industry. The chemical composition is still poorly studied, that is why the phytochemical study of Ocimum basilicum L. herb was started. The article presents the results of studies of the anthocyanins composition. During the chromatographic analysis Ocimum basilicum L. herb there was established the presence of twelve anthocyanin glycosides. The detected compounds are in the form of a depsides hydroxycinnamic acids, as evidenced by their characteristic UV profiles. Cyanidin was found to be the aglycon of anthocyanin glycosides, which was confirmed by acid hydrolysis. Eleven of the detected anthocyanin glycosides were represented in the form of depsides with p-coumaric acid.

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