DOI: 10.18413/2658-6533-2019-5-4-0-9

Risk factors of suicidal behavior of minors (based on the materials of postmortem complex forensic psychological and psychiatric examinations)

Background: Numerous studies show that the younger generation has been at high risk for suicidogenesis in recent decades. In various countries of the world, juvenile suicidal behavior has an unfavorable tendency to reduce the age of suicide. A deeper understanding of suicidal aspects will help to improve preventive measures and thus reduce juvenile suicides in general. The aim of the study: To investigate a complex of factors affecting the mental state and suicidal activity of minors. Materials and methods: The article presents a retrospective analysis of 170 post-mortem comprehensive forensic psychological and psychiatric examinations of minors who committed completed suicides. They were divided into three groups: younger adolescents (9-12 years old), adolescents (13-14 years old) and juniors (15-17 years old). Within these age groups, the biological, social, and clinical factors of juvenile suicidal activity were investigated. Results: Among the potential factors of suicidal risk were the psychopathological burden of heredity of a surfactant, the family history of suicide, a dysfunctional authoritarian parenting style with a tendency for parents to strictly control the behavior of a minor with manifestations of physical and psychological violence, including from non-biological parents, as well as previous convictions from close relatives. In the pre-juvenile period, juveniles (9-12 years) were dominated by intrafamilial forms of conflict; in adolescence and adolescence, conflicts of an intrapersonal nature due to problems at school, their position in society as a whole, as well as inter-sexual relationships along with the difficulties of self-identification, acquire significant importance. Important factors of suicidal risk include the presence of mental and behavioral disorders, as well as personality traits of minors predisposing to suicidal activity and potentiating the implementation of suicidal actions. Conclusion: The study has revealed a close relationship between the factors (biological, social and clinical) predisposing or potentiating suicidal behavior in different age groups among minors.

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