This article is a literature review of modern methods of determining carbon disulfide when it is present in any objects in small quantities. Since taking into account the toxicity of the compound and the possibility of its penetration into the built environment, the challenge of modern science is to develop some new techniques which are sensitive and reproducible in a variety of laboratory conditions. The article describes in detail the chromatographic methods of analysis of carbon disulfide: thin layer chromatography, gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography; spectrophotometric methods; mass spectrometry; polarography on the example of teturam.
Selyutin OA, Novikov OO, Pisarev DI, et al. Analytical characteristics of carbon disulfide derivatives. Research Result. Medicine and Pharmacy Series. 2015;1(4):125-131 (In Russian). DOI: 10.18413 / 2313-8955-2015-1-4-125-131
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