DOI: 10.18413/2658-6533-2019-5-3-0-5

The study of adaptogenic activity and toxicological safety of the Nigella damascena seed fatty oil extract

Background: Nigella damascena L. is a plant, extracts from which are characterized by a multicomponent composition of biologically active substances, which have an extensive spectrum of pharmacological properties. In this regard, the study of new types of pharmacological activity of drugs obtained from Nigella damascena L. can be considered relevant. The aim of the study: Under the conditions of the experiment, to study the adaptogenic activity of the Nigella damascena L. seed fatty oil extract. Materials and methods: The following biological models were used in the work: 36 male mice of the Balb/c line; 372 outbred sexually mature Wistar male rats, 4 guinea pigs and 12 chicken embryos. The studied object is an extract of fatty oil of the seeds of Nigella damascena L. Under the conditions of the experiment, some aspects of safety (acute toxicity and irritating effect) and the adaptogenic effect of the Nigella damascena L. seed oil extract were evaluated. Results: In the course of the study, it was found that the use of Nigella damascena L. seed fatty oil extract increased the resistance of animals to immobilization stress (with normalization of mediator-hormonal metabolism), physical performance in the tests «Forced swimming» and «Rota-rod» (especially with course use). Also, the use of the studied object increased the life expectancy of animals in conditions of hypoxia. At the same time, the Nigella damascena L. seed fatty oil extract was characterized by low toxicity (rat LD50> 68 ml / kg, and mouse LD50> 62.5 ml / kg). Conclusion: Based on the conducted study, we can assume the relevance of the further study of the Nigella damascena L. seed fatty oil extract as a drug of adaptogenic action with low systemic toxicity.

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