DOI: 10.18413/2658-6533-2024-10-3-1-0

Gerontological features of the effect of the new coronavirus infection on the interleukin profile, inflammation and endogenous intoxication in mature and elderly patients with coronary heart disease

Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is considered as an independent risk factor for COVID-19, however, the indicators of inflammation and endogenous intoxication in patients with CHD 3-4 weeks after recovery from COVID-19 have not been the subject of scientific research. The aim of the study:Assessment of the gerontological features of the effect of the transferred new coronavirus infection on the indicators of the interleukin profile, inflammation and endogenous intoxication of mature and elderly patients with coronary heart disease in the early stages of recovery. Materials and methods: The study included 58 mature-age patients with coronary heart disease 3-4 weeks after recovery from COVID-19 of moderate severity, who made up the comparison group. The main group of patients was represented by 62 elderly people with coronary heart disease who had suffered a new coronavirus infection and were examined in the same way as the previous group, 3-4 weeks after recovery. The level of C-reactive protein and highly sensitive C-reactive protein in the blood was studied using the Nicomed-reader express analyzer, and antistreptolysin-O was studied using an immunoturbidimetric method on the Cobas 600 analyzer (Switzerland). The blood levels of bilirubin, urea, creatinine and sialic acids were studied using the ROKI biochemical analyzer. The content of systemic cytokines was determined by the Beckton Dickinson FACS Canto 2 (USA). The level of anxiety and depression was studied on the HADS scale. Results: 3-4 weeks after recovery from COVID-19, antistreptolysin-O levels ranged from 120.9 МЕ/ml to 208.1 МЕ/ml. Significant changes among the considered parameters of inflammation and endogenous intoxication in patients with coronary heart disease in old age during recovery from a new coronavirus infection were accompanied by a change in the content of highly sensitive C-reactive protein in peripheral blood. In the early stages of recovery after COVID-19, in elderly patients with coronary heart disease, the concentration of many studied cytokines in blood plasma remained elevated compared with those aged 45-59 years. The excess of reference values in both groups was found for IL-17, TNF-α and IFN-α, and among elderly patients – for IL-3, IL-4, IL-6, IL-7, IL-17. Conclusion: Antistreptolysin-O, highly sensitive C-reactive protein, C-reactive protein can be considered markers of recovery in patients with combined coronary heart disease in the early stages after a new coronavirus infection

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