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Valiev, Ruslan R.
Cand. Sci. (Biology), Head of the PCR Analysis Laboratory, Bashkir State University, ORCID:
Valinurov, Rinat G.
Doct. Sci. (Medicine), Professor, Bashkir State Medical University,
Valova, Yana V.
Post-graduate Student in scientific specialty 03.02.07 – Genetics, Bashkir State University, Junior Researcher at the Department of Toxicology and Genetics, Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology, ORCID: ...
Vangorodskaya, Svetlana A.
PhD in Social Sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University
Varaksin, Mikhail V.
Cand. Sci. (Chemistry), Director of the Chemical Technology Institute, Yeltsin Ural Federal University, ORCID:
Vasendin, Dmitry V.
PhD in Medicine, associate Professor, Department of Mobilization Training in Public Health and Accident Medicine, Novosibirsk State Medical University
Vasilyev, Georgy V.
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, Belgorod State National Research University
Vasilyeva, Yuliya G.
Graduate Student of the second year of study, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and, Belgorod State National Research University
Vasilyeva, Oksana V.
Cand. Sci. (Biology), Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, Medical Genetics and Ecology, Kursk State Medical University, ORCID: 0000-0002-7100-3300
Vasin, Kirill S.
Cand. Sci. (Medicine), Researcher at Laboratory named after Professor Y.B. Yurov Molecular Genetics and Cytogenomics of the Brain Mental Health Research Center, Researcher at Laboratory «Molecular Cytogenetics of Neuropsychiatric Diseases» ...