Assessment of compliance with the principles of a healthy lifestyle at a young age and cardiovascular risk assessment in the example of students of the institute of medicine
Volume 1, Issue №2, 2015
The article discusses the data analysis of compliance with a healthy lifestyle, as well as the assessment of cardiovascular risk in 114 medical students, depending on the gender ...
Background. Existing methods for obtaining phytocomplexes and evaluating the quality of their dosage forms do not always enable to evaluate the actual composition and its potential. The article presents some ...
Background. Promising drugs for the treatment of a number of infectious diseases are most often represented by multicomponent injectable dosage forms, which include a set of inorganic salts, ...
Background. Theoretical development of the extraction process is an important task for further modeling and calculation of optimal conditions for extraction of biologically active compounds from the plant raw ...
Among various inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity in children, stomatitis occupies a leading position in dentistry. The urgency of this problem is explained not only by the high ...
The article discusses the need to develop methods for determining carbon disulfide – an unacceptable impurity in infusion drugs. The relevance of this study stems from the fact ...
The aim of the research was to study the component composition of polysaccharide complexes of the Acroptilon repens L. herb. Materials and methods. The air-dry Acroptilon repens L. ...
The buckwheat family (Polygonaceae), quite widespread throughout the European part of Russia, includes a large number of closely related species, similar in their morphological features, but having a different ...
The problem of quality control for medicines within all steps of their circulation in Russian Federation and Voronezh region has not been solved yet. It’s well-known that the ...
Up to know plant raw material and drugs based on it (tinctures, extracts, highly purified extracts, individual substance drugs) play an important role in pharmacotherapy of many chronic and ...
Phytotherapy has been and remains an important part of the complex therapy of various diseases. The relative low incidence of side effects and the possibility of prolonged intake ...
Pharmaceutical system is an important component of service civilization demanding the increasing of the intellectual capital’s (IC’s) role in the pharmacies’ funds. The tendencies of increasing a pharmacy’s competitiveness ...
Today, the problem of high-toxic substances use in the agricultural sphere has a significant character. As a result, the number of intoxication cases has been growing both in warm-blood ...
Introduction. The TRPA1 channel blocker (ZC02-0012) is an innovative drug belonging to the class of non-opioid analgesics. According to the results of his pharmacokinetic studies, a decision was made ...
The review presents the technology of biofeedback (BFB) and examines the theoretical and practical aspects of its use for correcting the states of psychoemotional stress of students of a ...
The article deals with the analysis of the dynamics and structure of morbidity among first-year students of Kursk State University over the past five years. We investigated the relationship ...
Antimicrobial and antiparasitic agents are drugs with detrimental effects on pathogenic microorganisms, which are used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. The pharmaceutical market provides a large range ...
In our paper, we provide some results of the research of photosynthetic pigments of Taraxacum officinale herb which grows in Altai region. The yield of lipophilic fraction was determined in ...
The article covers the results of the research into the influence of the combination of cinnamic acid derivative and polyphenolic structure compound on physical performance and psycho-emotional state of experimental ...
The article presents the results of a pharmacoeconomic study of assortment of medicinal preparations for the treatment of stomatitis on the local pharmaceutical market. Stomatitis is a collective name of ...
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