
Medicine (miscellaneous)

Psychoemotional status of elderly patients with cataracts

Volume 6, Issue №4, 2020
Background: Cataracts are highly prevalent among ophthalmic pathologies in old and senile age. In modern conditions, cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in old age and ...

Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder – a new diagnostic category in DSM-V (analytical review)

Volume 6, Issue №4, 2020
Background: Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) was included in DSM-V in 2013. The disorder begins mainly at the age of 8-13. It is comorbid with autism spectrum disorders, ...

Pregnancy Nutrition and Zinc Deficiency: Review

Volume 6, Issue №4, 2020
Background: Zinc deficiency during pregnancy is common in many countries, and low concentrations of circulating zinc in maternal blood are associated with pregnancy complications. Pregnant nutrition is a basic ...

Premature birth, modern realities

Volume 6, Issue №3, 2020
Background: Preterm birth is the main cause of neonatal and infant mortality, child morbidity and disability. The rate of premature birth, despite our knowledge of risk factors, pathogenetic mechanisms ...

Features of myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation in patients of the older age group

Volume 6, Issue №3, 2020
Background: Despite the fact that the incidence of myocardial infarction remains extremely high, and the average age of patients (given the increase in average life expectancy) is in the ...

The proresilients in multimodal programmes for the prevention of premature ageing

Volume 6, Issue №3, 2020
Background: Premature ageing is a common process. According to various authors, at least 10-20% of middle-aged people have unfavorable levels of discrepancy between biological and passport age. That ...

Features of the course of childbirth in preeclampsia of varying severity at the present stage

Volume 6, Issue №2, 2020
Background: Identification of complications of childbirth in preeclampsia will enable to improve perinatal outcomes in this group of women, as well as determine the criteria for early and ...

Age aspects of rehabilitation and treatment of osteosarcoarthrosis

Volume 6, Issue №2, 2020
Background: In older age groups, the problem of osteoporosis is becoming more urgent and acute, as the development of bone fragility leads to numerous fractures and the development ...

Medical Occultism: prevalence and impact on clinical psychiatric practice

Volume 6, Issue №2, 2020
Background: Occult practices are widespread throughout the world and have a negative effect on adherents among patients. The aim of the study: To analyze the prevalence of medical ...

Gender features of metabolic disorders in elderly patients with heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction

Volume 6, Issue №2, 2020
Background: Today, it is important to pay special attention to the increased incidence of heart failure developing with age. Pathogenetic mechanisms detected in metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis indicate ...

The prevalence and clinical structure of mental disorders in medical students (problems of primary and secondary psychoprophylaxis)

Volume 6, Issue №1, 2020
Background: The prevalence of chronic stress among medical students is higher than in the general population due to the high academic load. As a result, anxiety and neurotism ...

Interrelation of interleukin profile and the blood oxidant system in elderly patients with late-stage age-related macular degeneration

Volume 6, Issue №1, 2020
Background: In the elderly, age-related macular degeneration has a high prevalence and often causes a decrease and complete loss of vision. However, immunological mechanisms of development of this ...

Features of the species composition and functional activity of mast cells in the decidual tissue of patients with undeveloped pregnancy and polycystic ovary syndrome

Volume 6, Issue №1, 2020
Background: Infertility, miscarriage, birth of full-term healthy children take dominant positions among the problems of obstetrics and gynecology. Рolycystic ovary syndrome is a disease one of the clinical manifestations ...

Association of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders with blood pressure indicators in the morning and evening hours in patients with elderly metabolic syndrome

Volume 6, Issue №1, 2020
Background: Metabolic syndrome associated with hypertension, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism disorders in the elderly and senile is common, which indicates the relevance of its study, including the study of ...

Sarcopenia as a predictor of decreased socialization and quality of life in older patients

Volume 5, Issue №4, 2019
Background: The preservation of socialization of older patients is becoming an important problem. A real understanding of the socialization of patients of older age groups requires ...

Risk factors of suicidal behavior of minors (based on the materials of postmortem complex forensic psychological and psychiatric examinations)

Volume 5, Issue №4, 2019
Background: Numerous studies show that the younger generation has been at high risk for suicidogenesis in recent decades. In various countries of the world, juvenile suicidal behavior has an ...

Molecular genetic determinants of pre-eclampsia

Volume 5, Issue №4, 2019
Background: Pre-eclampsia (PE) is still one of the most severe complications of pregnancy. Molecular genetic factors are involved in the formation of PE. The aim of the study: To study ...

Individual resilience in the study of longevity factors

Volume 5, Issue №4, 2019
Background: In recent years, the issues of longevity and its determining factors have been actively discussed. Among studies of this kind, the study of population longevity, in other ...

Resilience in gerontology and geriatrics (review)

Volume 5, Issue №4, 2019
Background: Currently, due to the increase in life expectancy and the increasing need for the development of specialized types of medical, social, psychological, and spiritual services to people ...
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