
Medicine (miscellaneous)

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors in elderly patients

Volume 8, Issue №1, 2022
Background: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) account for 1 to 3% of all primary malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. The global incidence of GISTs varies in the range ...

 Immunohistochemical and morphological markers of susceptibility to prolonged and postterm pregnancies

Volume 8, Issue №1, 2022
Background: Prolonged pregnancy is an urgent problem, which is associated with a high percentage of complications in childbirth and perinatal mortality. A large number of morphological studies have shown ...

Allostatic load as a method of objectification of age-related viability of patients with ophthalmopathology

Volume 7, Issue №4, 2021
Background: In recent years, the elderly have seen an increase in the prevalence of combined ophthalmic diseases that change their functional activity in everyday life and society. In gerontological ...

Multifactoriality of causes of preterm birth

Volume 7, Issue №4, 2021
Background: The high prevalence of preterm births is a serious clinical problem with significant socio-economic and medical consequences, challenging obstetricians and gynecologists to find new predictors for them. The ...

Vaginal microbiome in patients with menstrual cycle disorders (review)

Volume 7, Issue №4, 2021
Background: In the last two decades, because of the usage of non-cultural methods, new data on the female genital tract microbiome have been accumulated. However, the causes determining the ...

The efficacy of Rosuvastatin in elderly patients with coronary heart disease on the background of acute respiratory viral infection with various polymorphic variants of interleukin genes

Volume 7, Issue №4, 2021
Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading pathology among all cardiovascular diseases. Elderly patients with concomitant diseases represent a special risk group. Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in ...

Restructuring of erythrocytes in persons of mature and elderly age on the background of diabetes mellitus

Volume 7, Issue №4, 2021
Background: The high incidence of diabetes mellitus in modern conditions dictates the need to search for new, including microscopic, opportunities to identify pathological changes in the course ...

Senile mouth as a component of geriatric status

Volume 7, Issue №3, 2021
Background: According to the literature, there is a high prevalence of the syndrome of senile asthenia (frailty) among the elderly. This condition is associated with a number of physical, ...

The contribution of the endocrine system to the development of osteoporosis in the elderly and senile (review)

Volume 7, Issue №3, 2021
Background: Osteoporosis is increasingly found in the elderly and senile, maintaining its enormous medical and social significance. The effect of hormones on bone metabolism is beyond doubt. However, currently ...

Cognitive dysfunction in elderly patients with chronic systolic heart failure

Volume 7, Issue №2, 2021
Background: Nowadays, we can see a rapid increase in systolic chronic heart failure patients. Cognitive decline is one of the most frequent and important among geriatric syndromes. Cognitive ...

Effects of psychopharmacotherapy and patients’ adherence: interdependence within the biopsychosocial paradigm

Volume 7, Issue №2, 2021
Background: The expected effects of psychopharmacology in the clinic are mediated by changes in dopamine and serotonin neurotransmission that can determine impaired motivational processes in patients. The aim ...

Changes in the blood complement system in the development of diabetic retinopathy in the elderly

Volume 7, Issue №2, 2021
Background: In the elderly, diabetic retinopathy causes a significant deterioration in the functional activity and quality of life of patients, but the individual mechanisms of its development and, ...

Estrogens and uterine fibroids: an integrated view

Volume 7, Issue №2, 2021
Background: Uterine fibroids or uterine leiomyomata (UL) are common benign tumors of the uterine myometrium affecting a significant proportion of women at reproductive age. UL is a disease ...

Influence of clinical and biological variants of premature aging on cognitive functionality

Volume 7, Issue №2, 2021
Background: Currently, the development of gerontology as a related medical and biological discipline follows the path of concepts; there are three of them in classical gerontology: frailty, intrinsic ...

Induced preterm birth: evaluation of oxidative status, matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in amniotic fluid

Volume 7, Issue №1, 2021
Background: Hypoxic brain injury is the most common pathology in newborns. New criteria of viability and progress of perinatal technologies results in high neurological morbidity of surviving very early ...

Mismatch of daily biorhythms of blood pressure and heart rate in elderly patients with myocardial infarction

Volume 7, Issue №1, 2021
Background: Myocardial infarction in the elderly population of our country is a leading cause of disability and mortality. In the development of myocardial infarction, an important role is given ...

Anxiety-depressive and cognitive impairments in elderly patients with age-related macular degeneration and cataracts

Volume 7, Issue №1, 2021
Background: The continuing change in the demographic structure of society in different states is accompanied by a restless increase not only in the proportion of the elderly and senile ...

Development of gerontology and geriatrics in Mongolia

Volume 7, Issue №1, 2021
Background: The population of Mongolia in 2020 is estimated at 3,305,625 thousand people, thus it has increased by 25.3% since 2000, by about 5.6% per year. The number of ...

Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder – a new diagnostic category in DSM-V (analytical review)

Volume 6, Issue №4, 2020
Background: Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) was included in DSM-V in 2013. The disorder begins mainly at the age of 8-13. It is comorbid with autism spectrum disorders, ...
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