The development of clinical management skills among medical students and practitioners is an important task of formation of competence which provide a proper quality of medical care, compliance with its ...
With the development of HIV epidemics, the significance of HIV-positive contingents as risk groups for the development of TB increases, and the need of an intensification of preventive measures for ...
The main method of prevention and treatment of intoxication processes is the method of enterosorption. Medical clay is a promising group of enterosorbents. There are no dosage forms of medical ...
Two series of fibers containing the active ingredients acyclovir, ciprofloxacin and cyanocobalamin, and combinations of these drugs, were prepared by electrospinning. One set was used as a hydrophilic poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) ...
Only the use of an effective logistical analytical framework allows for an adequate level of quality of medicines, biologically active compounds and, as a result, their effectiveness and safety. It ...
The article presents the results of a marketing research of assortment of biologically active supplements (BAS) on the Russian market. It also provides a classification and characterization of the BAS. ...
The most productive way of expanding the range of medicinal plants is a study to prove that it is possible to use in medicine the poorly known species of plants, ...
Having achieved a great success in the field of synthetic drugs, currently much attention is paid to the development and introduction of effective herbal medicines. Great interest in wild plants ...
The analysis of the assortment of medicinal forms for treating viral conjunctivitis was done. The obtained statistics is presented. The most common forms of viral conjunctivitis of various etiologies were ...
The article provides an overview and comparative characteristics of various polyvinylpyrrolidone grades, widely used in modern industrial production of drugs. It was found that the main characteristics of this group ...
The article presents a technique of purification and a process scheme of montmorillonite clay production for per os use. It was established that the treatment process comprises the stages of ...
The present research is devoted to the study of a topical issue of morphology of the venoussystem of the head, namely to the features of interrelations of large sinuses of ...
Atherosclerosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatosis are pathologies, which most often develop in both the elderly and senile age. According to the scientific literature, these pathologies have a similar pathogenesis, but, despite ...
Early recognition of fertility after hernia repair surgery performed according to different methods is still a challenging task. The paper discusses the study of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (ММР-9) content in ejaculate ...
Squalene is a natural biologically active compound. It has a unique pharmacological activity. This isoprenoid is actively involved in metabolism, primarily as a predecessor of biosynthesis of steroids, as a ...
The prevalence of periodontal disease in the world, and the severity of their current negative impact on human health problems underline the importance of prevention and treatment of these diseases. ...
Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized antibacterial peptides secreted by certain types of bacteria and are active against both closely related species,and members of other species. Currently bacteriocins are recommended for use ...
Varicose veins of the lower limbs (VVLL) known to mankind since ancient times. Despite a long history, the problems of epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment VVLL remain relevant in our ...
In the conditions of introduction of the proper practice of production of medicinal facilities on pharmaceutical enterprises in Ukraine, it is necessary to develop effective measures of projects management for ...
The article discusses the possibility of developing a combination of drugs for the treatment of atherosclerosis in elderly patients. Atherosclerosis is a multifocal pathology that leads to disease duration and ...
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