To date, there are many drugs to treat infectious diseases of the eye on the Russian pharmaceutical market, but they have a number of disadvantages, which lead to a decrease ...
Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized antibacterial peptides secreted by certain types of bacteria and are active against both closely related species,and members of other species. Currently bacteriocins are recommended for use ...
Varicose veins of the lower limbs (VVLL) known to mankind since ancient times. Despite a long history, the problems of epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment VVLL remain relevant in our ...
This paper presents an original method for the analysis of corticosteroids with the use of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. A mixture of 1% aqueous formic acid and ethyl alcohol ...
Sweet basil − Ocimum basilicum L. contains a wide spectrum of biologically active compounds: essential oils, phenolic compounds, including flavonoids and anthocyanins. The violet variety is a rich ...
The authors conducted a market research of the Russian market of medicinal preparations used in the therapy of vegetovascular dystonia. The results of the content analysis demonstarte that 1198 medicinal ...
This article is a literature review of modern methods of determining carbon disulfide when it is present in any objects in small quantities. Since taking into account the toxicity of ...
The authors have studied the efficiency of the Essential Drugs Supply Program (EDSP) in Belgorod Region. After reviewing the results of inspections in medical institutions and the data of the ...
Hippocampus ensures the implementation of the memory mechanisms, behavioral reactions, including avoidance of stress, aversive effects etc. The study was performed on the material of 20 male Wistar rats weighing ...
We have studied the microscopic features of buccal epithelium in smoking students of Indo-Dravidian race. In the epithelial cells of the mucous cheek surface of smoking students we revealed the ...
The authors studied the microscopic features of buccal epithelium of the Indian students studying at Belgorod State National Research University. The appearance in the buccal mucosa epithelium of single leukocytes, ...
The paper presents an analysis of information awareness of pharmaceutical personnel on aspects of pharmaceutical aid to children with joint diseases; we analyzed the product portfolio of medicines for treating ...
The review analyses and compares the main materials of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (cancer on 5 continents) and statistic indicators characterizing the state of cancer ...
Today, humanity is experiencing another round of interest in naturaceutics. The study of new types of plant materials and their introduction into the official medicine in the form of drugs ...
This paper deals with the conducted market research of Russian medicinal preparations used for treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in pregnant women.
This paper deals with the study of the relationship between parameters of the Peyer’s patches of the small intestine in intact rats of different age groups. The correlation analysis revealed ...
Ocimum basilicum L. is one of the most promising plants for medicine. The O. basilicum L. herb is used in folk medicine as an expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent, in gastritis, colitis, ...
Currently, scientists are searching for new pharmacological agents, whose addition to osteoplastic material implants will help improve microcirculation in the area of surgery, accelerated germination vessels and bone regeneration at ...
The article presents some facts, demonstrating efficiency and advisability of a new immunomodulating ribosomal drug complex used in the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections in children with bronchial asthma. ...
The search for new compounds with pharmacological activity is extremely important. The approach to the acquisition of a new range of medicinal agents by the existing set of biologically active ...
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