Background: Today, quite a lot of people suffer from allergic conjunctivitis, despite the sufficient market of monocomponent medicines, there is a shortage of combined medicines based on modern substances ...
Background: Common sorrel (Rumex acetosa L.), a plant from the buckwheat family, is promising for introduction into medicine. Phytochemical studies of common sorrel herba showed that the raw material ...
Background: Domestic and occupational injuries, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), are diseases that are a major public health problem in all industrialized countries and result in incapacitation, as well ...
Background: Nigella damascena L. is a plant, extracts from which are characterized by a multicomponent composition of biologically active substances, which have an extensive spectrum of pharmacological properties. In this ...
Background: Both the dosage form and the complex of auxiliary substances are important pharmaceutical factors determining the final pharmacological effect. It is important to carefully select different groups of ...
Background: Safety is one of the basic medicine requirements. «Bacterial endotoxins» is the most important safety indicator of parenteral drug products, ensuring their proper quality. The use of the ...
Background: The authors note that special literature does not make mention of drugs for targeted, specific correction of retinal ischemia. That is why the study of the possibilities of ...
Background: One of the problems of modern medicine is to ensure the prevention of a number of diseases caused by a lack of trace elements in the human body, ...
Background: The incidence of acute pancreatitis is up to 40 cases per 100,000 adult population per year, including about 10-15% of patients with severe forms of this disease, ...
Background: Increasing the effectiveness of drug therapy for hyperintensive neuroretinopathy is one of the important tasks of pharmacology and ophthalmology. The aim of the study: To assess the effectiveness of DMAE ...
Background: Acute pancreatitis ranks third among all acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity and is one of the important unresolved problems in emergency surgery. The aim of the ...
Background: The study is devoted to the development of composition and assessment of the quality of two-layered suppositories with an oil extract of rowanberries (Sorbus aucuparia) ...
Background: The traditional ophthalmological dosage forms have a low bioavailability, a rapid precorneal clearance and a low corneal permeability. The gelling system or system with a prolonged action (prolonged ...
Background: Acute kidney injury is an urgent health problem at the junction of specialties with a high level of disability and mortality of patients. The pertinence of the ...
Background: The search for potential cardio- and cerebroprotective agents among the derivatives of oxypyridine is topical, since they are proven to contain the compounds with antihypoxic, antioxidant activity, and ...
Background: Biomedical researches and improvement of methods for medical materials manufacturing with certain properties and their pharmacological support caused the integration of achievements in materials science and medicine and ...
The use of inhibitors of HMG-Co-A reductase inhibitor Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, Rosuvastatin and nanoparticulated Rosuvastatin on the background modeling of endotoxin-induced pathology through introduction of strain 603 Staphylococcusaureus leads to the ...
In laboratory rats, we formed an ischemic damage by providing mechanical pressure (110 mm Hg) to the anterior chamber for 30 minutes. The experiment has revealed the fact that nicorandil ...
The paper presents the results of a study of the antiischemic effectiveness of nicorandil (1,8 mg/kg) on the model of coronary occlusive myocardial infarction in rabbits. The coronary occlusion in ...
This paper deals with the study of the dependence of psycho neurological deficit in rats on the severity of brain damage, conducted on the four-vascular models of total cerebral ischemia. ...
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