Background: Currently, the proportion of elderly patients is increasing all over the world (more than 20% of patients over the age of 60 in the Russian Federation), most of ...
Cognitive function of elderly and senile patients on the background of long-term pharmacotherapy of chronic heart failure with low ejection fraction
Volume 9, Issue №2, 2023
Background: Chronic heart failure (CHF) is associated with a high risk of developing psycho-emotional, mnestic disorders and impaired cognitive function (CF). However, most clinical studies do not include older ...
Prevalence of clinical geriatric syndromes in cataract patients
Volume 9, Issue №2, 2023
Background: The geriatric status of older people is influenced by various factors, including somatic pathology. However, the impact of cataract, as a leading ophthalmic disease and the cause of ...
Clinical and psychopathological features and psychopharmacotherapy of patients with the first episode of schizophrenia hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital with and without voluntary consent
Volume 9, Issue №2, 2023
Background: There are a number of features in the psychopharmacotherapy of patients with the first episode of schizophrenia. Therapy should be differentiated depending on the type of hospitalization in ...
Doppler fetal monitoring and non-invasive fetal ECG in modern obstetrics (review)
Volume 9, Issue №2, 2023
Background: Cardiotocography (electronic fetal monitoring) is a procedure of recoding fetal heart rate activity and uterine contractions during pregnancy and labor. The Doppler technique of cardiotocography using ultrasound transducers ...
Geriatric management tactics for patients with diabetic retinopathy
Volume 9, Issue №1, 2023
Background: Diabetic retinopathy remains one of the leading causes of visual impairment, however, the deficit profile of these patients, with the exception of cognitive and anxiety-depressive disorders, ...
Background: The high prevalence of glaucoma is accompanied by a steady decline of functional activity due to a significant visual deficit and deterioration of the geriatric status of patients, ...
Atrial fibrillation and its geriatric aspects: news of the last 5 years (review)
Volume 9, Issue №1, 2023
Background: The prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the modern world is constantly increasing. In most cases, this pathology occurs in elderly and senile people that makes it an important ...
The state of microcirculation in pregnant women with hypertensive disorders in the third trimester of pregnancy
Volume 9, Issue №1, 2023
Background: Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy remain the most significant problem of modern obstetrics, taking the main place in the structure of maternal and prenatal mortality and morbidity. The development ...
Background: Adaptation of medical students to high school education is a serious medical and social problem. Serious stress, unbalanced diet and physical inactivity may result in disorders of the ...
Visual deficit and geriatric status of rural patients with various ophthalmic pathologies
Volume 8, Issue №4, 2022
Background: Diseases of the visual organ negatively affect the quality of life of the elderly. A comprehensive study of the pathology of the visual organ among the elderly population ...
Background: Given the progressive aging of the population, the problem of extending healthy longevity while maintaining high vitality is very important. The "blue zones" – the regions with the ...
Background: Diabetic retinopathy, the prevalence of which is intensively increasing, is considered to be a potential factor causing a significant visual deficit in older age groups. However, when studying ...
Background: Urinary incontinence (UI) is described as the involuntary leakage of urine and is a global problem. The younger age groups have the lowest prevalence (12.0%), while the oldest ...
Background: The formation of the state policy for optimizing healthy and active aging, aimed at creating an incentive for older people to work longer, requires new knowledge about the ...
Background: Currently, scientific papers reflecting the results of studying the pathological influence of stress factors, including "social" stress, on various body systems are of particular interest. It has been ...
Background: Despite advances in medicine, uterine bleeding remains a well-known medical problem. Abnormal uterine bleeding has a negative impact on the physical, emotional, social, incl. material well-being of the ...
Background: Sleep disorders during pregnancy pose a real threat to the mother and fetus due to a violation of the physiological course of the gestation process, the release of ...
Background: To date, many evidence-based studies have provided data that give insight into the clear relationship between the severity of adentia as a manifestation of age-related oral syndrome and ...
Background: Natural and premature aging is accompanied by postural disorders, which are aggravated in patients with ophthalmic pathology and lead to the occurrence of the falls syndrome, but remain insufficiently ...
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